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Writer's pictureJessica On The Line

Solidifying Your Ideal Customer

It takes some work (ok, maybe a lot of work in some cases), but it is worth it. Identify your ideal customer! Do some research and put in the time upfront. It will help you later when you are making decisions about adding new services or products, when you are working on marketing, and when you are communicating, especially online. Knowing your ideal customer will help you keep your businesses brand consistent. It will help you know who you are marketing to. If you are marketing to everyone, you are marketing to no one!

Here is a form that may help guide you. If you can answer these questions you will have a good idea of who you are marketing to.

Here is a post I love:

I love this post for a few reasons:

-I enjoy ice cream :)

-I love Dairy Queens upside down Blizzards, it realy catches your eye

-When DQ posted this graphic, they also put in words explaining the graphic. If anyone was searching for this post later they would be avble to find it. Facebook search does not include text in graphics, but it would catch the words in the typed part of the post

-I appreciate that Prairie du Chien Area Chamber of Commerce shared this post. I would not have seen it otherwise. That is the great part of Facebook. Couldn't we all use the power of any other page sharing your information with it's followers?!

I have made a St. Patrick's Day post for you to use. It is my favorite Irish saying.

I have a few workshops in the works, I will let you know about them as they get finalized. I will definitely be at Warrior Unchained in May. Check out this amazing weekend:

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