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Writer's pictureJessica On The Line

Newsletter #1

I am excited to be finally sending out my first e-newsletter!  Please email me and let me know if there is anything you would like to see in future newsletters.  I hope that you find at least one little nugget you can use to help you in promoting your business, make connections on social media, or help your web presence be the best it can be.  It isn't enough to just have a web site, people need to find it when they are looking for it too!  My website is up and running, you can check it out at

I am also excited to be returning to the Juneau County I&E meeting this month.  Last time I spoke about web presence, and we had some great discussions about the best and easiest ways to get started.  This time I will be hosting a workshop where I will go through how to set up a Google My Business account.  It is a great way to make sure Google has your information correct.  We will talk about moving your google pinpoint if you need to so people can find you (living in a rural area, Goggle does not always put that pinpoint in the right spot!).  We will also go, step by step, though getting all of your information into Google so when people look for you online they are getting the right information.  Everyone will go home with the slide show printouts so they can take action and get their business noticed.  The event is free!  I have the info below, and you can find it on Facebook too.  Take a look, and share it with anyone you know who could benefit from it.  See the Facebook event here

Each newsletter will have one free post that you can use in your social media. 

Check one post off of your list!   Here is a Facebook post that you can use right away, or schedule for a time where you have a space in your content calendar that you have been trying to fill.  This post will be sure to get some comments.

Each e-newsletter will highlight one post that I am loving

Here is a post I put up for Waterfest just this week.  I did not take this picture, it was sent into us, but isn't it great? I love this post because it really tells the story of what is happening,  and the dark sky and water compliment the haunted boat. A good picture is always a great way to grab attention. 

Waterfest on Castle Rock Lake Wisconsin - Haunted Castle Rock Manor boat waits out the storm before the lighted boat parade.

Another reason I am loving it is because this picture was posted after the event (the event, a lighted boat parade, was canceled because that storm you see rolling in only got closer and worse) so it was nice for people to see the parade entry these guys obviously worked so hard on.  So, even though we are done promoting this event for this year, posting this will help make people want to come next year.  This picture will be in our arsenal to use next year, and if anyone wants to look back at our past pictures, this will be there for them to see and get them excited about coming to the lighted boat parade or join in on the parade fun with their own boat. 

And, this post reached 193 people, which is excellent considering a few months ago, before I started working on Waterfest's social media, they only had 148 page likes at all!  The event is over for the year, but I will still be posting to keep people's interests.  I have some posts scheduled already and will make more as I receive in more pictures from that day and from people who took pictures of their boats as they were decorating them.

 Free Workshop Coming Up:

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